Thursday, December 6, 2012

How to add a data driven background colour to spark Datagrid

Here is how one would go about adding a data-driven row background colour to spark DataGrid.

Spark DG defines a rowBackground property, an IGridVisualElement, called to draw each row default's background. That is usually null and gives you a white background.

You can easily override it in mxml, with something like this:

<flex44d:FLEX44DNewDataGrid blah...>
<s:Rect implements="spark.components.gridClasses.IGridVisualElement" width="100%" height="100%">
import spark.components.DataGrid;
import spark.components.Grid;
 * @private
public function prepareGridVisualElement(grid:Grid, rowIndex:int, columnIndex:int):void
if (!grid.dataProvider || rowIndex >= grid.dataProvider.length)
rowBackgroundFillColor.color = 0xffffff;
else {
rowBackgroundFillColor.color = outerDocument.rowColorFunction(grid.dataProvider.getItemAt(rowIndex));
<!--- @private -->   
<s:SolidColor id="rowBackgroundFillColor"/>

Your rowColorFunction should take the grid data as a parameter and return a uint for the background color to draw. Somewhat like this:

public function rowColorFunction(data:*):uint
if (!data) return 0xffffff; // no data, leave blank, or maybe some other default value
return ....;

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Using LiveCycle Assembler to Create a PDF Portfolio via Webservices


This post is about using Adobe LiveCycle ES2.5 Assembler services to create dynamic PDF Portfolios via Webservices (SOAP).

My actual  implementation is done in 4th Dimension but the technique works from any language/environment that provides access to external SOAP services. In fact, the only reference to 4D is the one above, no 4D code will be shown/covered here.

Additional documentation on LCES2.5 services can be found here: